Acure Moringa Powder (Sojina)-সজিনা গুঁড়া (80 gm)
Herbal Products > acurebd
PRODUCT CODE: 2403253825153
Product Price:
৳ 190

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Available In Stock

Product Description:

Benefits of horseradish leaves:
1. Domestic and foreign nutritionists have called horseradish a miracle tree.
2. This leaf contains 36% meat with 6 types of amino acids.
3. Lemons contain 6 times more vitamin-C, carrots 4 times more vitamin-A, eggs contain twice as much protein, milk 4 times more calcium, bananas 3 times more potassium and spinach 5 times more iron.
4. Reduces cholesterol, increases digestion, relieves constipation.
5. It regulates blood sugar levels.
6. Holds youth.
7. Heart keeps well.
8. Controls high blood pressure.

Use: Soak 5 grams or 1 teaspoon of powder in 1 cup of water for 30 minutes and drink only the above water. Can be eaten twice a day.