Organic GastroGuard (120 gm)
Herbal Products > acurebd
PRODUCT CODE: 2405133825226
Product Price:
৳ 500

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Product Description:

Benefits of Gastro-Guard 100% Natural Ingredients:

1. Closes hard gastric and heartburn.
2. Prevents constipation.
3. Rapidly enhances immunity.
4. Increases digestive energy.
5. Acts as anti-oxidant.
- Increases blood circulation in the body.
- Enhances beauty.
- Reduces blood pressure and heart disease.
9. Lowers blood cholesterol.
10. Prevents liver infections.
11. Excretes phlegm.
12. Increases the function of the urinary bladder.
13. Reduces excess body weight.
14. Does not allow harmful fats to accumulate in the body.